Aug 15Liked by Hetty Lui McKinnon

Yum! Just made this but added 2 grated ears of corn, and steeped the corn cobs in the milk before adding it to the batter. Such a tasty way to use up our garden cherry tomato bounty!

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Yay love this Abby! Corn is the PERFECT addition. Thank you so much for sharing this.

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I was just going to comment and ask Hetty if she thought adding corn would work and then I saw this comment! Yay I can’t wait to try!

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Aug 14Liked by Hetty Lui McKinnon

Is 2 eggs really enough? Most of my clafoutis recipes use at least 3.

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It’s enough for this recipe

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Love this recipe. It allowed the complexity of our home-grown tomatoes to shine. Now off to try a sweet clafoutis next.

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delicious!! i used regular swiss cuz it's what was in the fridge, dried thyme cuz garden thyme died back, and the final sungold tomatos in the garden. such a treat!!

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Clafoutis are everywhere in my feed. This is clearly my sign to make one and this recipe is going to be it. Looks delicious.

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Looks amazing! Yum! But also, your sentiment totally resonates with me -- I feel exactly the same:

>>I miss things. That is who I am. The flavours of yearning mold the person that I am and permeate the food that I cook. I yearn to be back here, but I also long to be back there.

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Made this for dinner tonight in a 9" white porcelain quiche pan that set off the bright seasonal colors of the tomatoes. Wonderful, easy dish - instantly earned a spot in the dinner rotation!

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